What is halal?

Halal is a term used in Islamic dietary laws to refer to food and drinks that are permissible for consumption according to Islamic teachings. The opposite of halal is haram, which means prohibited. Halal food must meet specific criteria and undergo a process of preparation that adheres to Islamic principles.

The importance of halal is significant for Muslims around the world, as it directly relates to their religious obligations and beliefs. Consuming halal food is seen as an act of obedience to God's commandments and an expression of faith. It is believed that consuming halal sustains spiritual and physical well-being.

Ethically, halal practices emphasize the welfare and humane treatment of animals. Islamic teachings promote kindness, mercy, and compassion towards all living creatures. Animals raised for halal meat are required to be treated humanely throughout their lives and during the slaughter process. This includes providing proper nutrition, clean water, and sufficient space for animals to live in a stress-free environment.
